Thursday, July 19, 2007

Raining inside and out

Today the rain began to pour down dramatically outside. My class was busy looking for animals among our "African Safari" outside when the clouds and rain came rolling in. We were immersed in what the giant African spider would say to us when we bumped into him in the long, long grass when one of my more wiggly and involved kids shouted "Ms SaRaH, it's raining on me!!" The other kids quickly joined in the chorus yelling that they too were getting wet. Extracating myself from all of the tangled arms and legs of the children, I parted the waters to see literal (boy I wish I had spell check) water pouring down the large window and into my classroom. It was very exciting.
Exciting seems to be the very theme of this week. Thanks to all of your awesome prayers, we managed to finally find peace on Monday, get a good nights sleep, and then start all over again on the crazy bus, driving furiously foward and without headlights or a rest stop insight, except now we know the location, the final destination for our saga. Steve got the call on Tuesday. We are on the bus to Mansfield where Steve will be teaching 4th grade. It is super exciting and I am soooo thankful he has a job. I am also thankful for all of you who prayed for us and stuck by us as I crawled back and forth from under the bed to under the computer desk to finally blogging about it, to back under the bed. It is much akin to swimming though, where you take a breath, enjoy the view from your island of thankfulness, but then realizing that you have yet to swim the rest of the way. As excited as I am, I have some very specific things that we need some prayer on. I both know and trust in not only the power of God, but the strength of friendship and prayer in numbers. If you guys can hang in there with me and please, please, please pray for these things, I would appreciate it SO VERY MUCH......
1. We are putting our house on the market on not this Monday but the Monday after next. From that point we have 28 days to sell our house and get to Mansfield. Please, please, please pray that our house will sell super, super quickly. God can create the earth in 7 days, I have no doubt that He has the power to get our house sold.
2. Please pray for the entire process of painting, packing, moving and unpacking. Nathan and I don't do well with change.
Thanks so very much guys!!!!! I am so happy that Steve has a job and that we have you praying for us!!!


Anonymous said...

I am praising with you over the job!! It's always so wonderful to see God working and to see answered prayers! He is raining showers of blessings on your family! I will continue to pray as you move into this next phase altho, I will not be rejoicing to see you go.......I know God has another path for you all in His mighty plan for you lives!!
Love in Christ!

brickmomma said...

so glad about the job!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! Good for Steve! Where is Mansfield?


Anonymous said...

I looked up Mansfield on Mapquest, and that's a little farther than I prayed for... ;-)

But, you know that I am SO happy for you and your family. I know that you will flourish wherever God sends you.

I will forever be thankful for how loving you have been to my little tuba player and my whole family, really. Do come visit us!


TBSHARP said...

I am so sorry yall are leaving... I didn't know you blogged.