Friday, October 12, 2007

The Drama Queen

Yesterday we were eating dinner when Kalea yells "OH NO!!" all eyes turn towards her....she jumps up in her chair and yells "I feel a song coming on!!!"

Here is a tribute to her...


brickmomma said...

i LOVE this video!!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest thing I've ever heard! A song coming on!!
Yes, I too love this video, I've seen it several times. This guy is really good. Have you seen the one he wrote about his kids begging for toys in the store? It's great too!!
OH, just so you know you are not alone, found out this a.m. that my Steve's old car is in need of $500 worth of work!! Yipes! We are praying that the Barnes brothers at B&B Auto will work out a pay plan for us!!