Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What Makes the Grass Grow?

In some weird co-in-sa-dence we keep ending up at parks right as they start mowing the grass. It happened everyday last week. Nathan, being my allergy child, is allergic to grass. It's the oddest thing that a child of mine would be allergic to grass. It's like being allergic to air or water. Usually Nathan doesn't have any problems but when the grass is getting cut, it brings out a new wave of impulses to his brain that tells his allergy censors to strart freaking out.
Last Saturday morning, we were at a park super early in the morning and our new friends, The Mowers, were out as well. After being 'spider hunters' on the playground, we venured out to the lake to say 'hi' to the ducks and to play 'Sink or Float' with the sticks and leaves around the pond. As we were crossing the freshly cut grass, Nathan began to itch. "Mom," he started breaking the morning's silence, "I have those bugs in my hair." When I asked him to explain, he told me that they are kind of like fleas, but you have to wash them out. The itching continued down his arms and to the tops of his legs as I led him to the areas with no grass. This is when his nose kicked in. He started itching it and wiggling the small thing back and forth with his index finger. I asked him if he had tickles in his nose, and without a pause, he told me very matter of factly, "NO MOM, that's where the fleas live."

Prayer Request- We found out today that we currently have no health insurance!!!!! Nathan needs his meds filled NOW. I am going to go to HEB tomorrow and pick up what we can afford, but we're going to need some help from God to get the other two. Please pray that we will somehow be able to get the others.
The praise part of this situation is that Steve found out about BISD cutting off our health insurance today, so he called MISD and today was the very last day that he could sign up to start getting health insurance on September 1st. So we are all signed up and will be getting medical coverage in about two weeks. Thank God!

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