Monday, August 13, 2007

Heavenly Treasures

We got an offer on the house and on the exact same day, Steve found what he exclaimed to me over the phone, "the perfect house!!!!!" The problem? The offer was way low, and the 'perfect house' is $93,000. This may not seem like a lot to pretty much all of you, but with Steve being a teacher, we've never been approved for a loan over $75,000. Although nothing is impossible with God, we aren't sure that Steve's new raise will bear much more fruit on the home loan lending tree....and we're ok with that. We are great with that because we know that God will give us what we need when we need it. On the flip side, however, Nathan has seen pictures of the house and heard us talking about money, loans, and all of the things grownups talk about. He WANTS the house. He loves the house. He is our tiny polar bear in the backseat of the car, and yesterday, he finally said it....."Mom, I wish we were rich...."
I know longing. I longed for things for at least 20 years of my life before I realized that Jesus is all I need. Hearing Nathan long for money sent my mind spinning. What do we tell him? Do we say that God has chosen us to be poor? No, even that depresses me. Do I tell him that being poor has allowed us to see the true sufficiency of God's grace? No, because how do you explain that to a soon to be six year old? My mind raced as fast as the cars were passing us on Hwy 10, and then God gave it too me. The green eyed answer. The 'what's in it for me' answer. The Truth. Before my mind caught up with my mouth, I began explaining to Nathan about the riches that God has stored up for him in Heaven. I told him what Isaiah tells us about the priceless rubies, and what Revelations says about the mansions. Before I knew it, I had painted Nathan a detailed picture of what Heaven would be like, and he was not only satisfied with my answer, but I have no doubt that I planned a precious seed in his heart so that one day, he will accept Jesus as his own, and that made my heart glad. We many not get that perfect house, but there is an even better one for us in Heaven.

Prayer requests: Please, please, please pray that we will sell our house super fast. Steve will be for the most part moving out on Thursday. :o( Please pray that I can keep my head as a single mom. I don't do well alone at all, esp alone and trying to get our house sold. Please pray for our financial situation with the added expenses of Steve driving back and forth to Mansfield on the weekends and him having to eat out a lot. Please pray for our next Broker that we can get a good loan and find a good house. Please pray for our next church that it will at least be close to what we have now.


Anonymous said...

Pal, Praying up a storm for you! Need a night alone with the hubby? Let me know! lub, jenny

brickmomma said...

You are an incredible mommy! good job~