Sunday, November 18, 2007


Just wanted to say that I am feeling better. A big thank you for those who prayed. We have a definite 'maybe' on the house and have had two people look at it this weekend. Go figure that the one weekend that I don't feel well and that Steve is gone, is the one weekend that people actually want to look at the house. I was at the bottom of the well on Saturday when the agent called about showing the house. I gathered every last bit of energy I had to clean muttering "I can do all things in Christ Jesus who gives me strenth" under my breath and while I cleaned, the 'un'children uncleaned. It took me a while to realize what was going on and when I finally realized what my beautiful children were doing, I had to take a 'come to Jesus' minute. If I had been feeling better, I might have killed them, but since it would have taken too much energy, I just made them sit on the couch with the 'No No Spoon' at eye level while I continued to slowly make my way through the house. While we waited for the house to be shown, we went to the mall where we did a driveby Santa visit. Peeking through the white gate, Nathan whispered "Mom, I think that one is the real Santa." (He has issues about taking pictures with 'fake' Santas.) When I asked him if he wanted to go say 'hi,' Nathan shook his head no. Nathan has never liked taking pictures with Santa. We gave up trying when he was 3. I don't think wives of Educators were meant to get Santa pictures of their children any way. It's funny how Educators help to develop great talent and academics in this world, and they get paid the least and have the worst insurance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better. You seemed like you were at church last night. I'll send up big prayers today over the activity with your house right now!!
I'll have to show you our Santa picture from last year. For some reason, I got really 'fixated' (Steve says 'obsessed'), with getting a Santa pic every year. Little A sat there crying and screaming last year and I told the lady to hurry and click it! Mean mom!
Funny how everyone seemingly knowing that educators are so important, doesn't change their bank accounts or their insurance coverage, hugh? We're rowing the same boat! Hang in there!!! God must have quite a plan for you all!