Monday, May 14, 2007

....and the good prevail

I just want to take a time out to brag about my husband. He has spent the entire school year under the watchful, critical eye of a very (unable to come up with a word.....bitter, perhaps?!) lead teacher. She has yelled at him, written dirty e-mails to him and about him on a weekly basis, and created an environment where he just couldn't win no matter how hard he tried. Through all of this he has kept his head down, his Bible open, and just silently took her daily attacks. While all of the other teachers have bad mouthed her, Steve has stayed Godly through this entire year. Steve just got his TAKS scores back and his class's scores were among the top scores in the 4th grade. They were the second best in writing by a mere two points and they far out shown the lead teacher's scores. It just goes to show that although the lead teacher tore Steve down outwardly piece by piece, he didn't change inwardly and thus proved that he is a great teacher. I am so thankful that Steve was able to focus, and teach through this year and that his kids did amazing well on their TAKS scores. God's hand was really in Steve's students achievement.

Job Search Update- We had a long talk a few nights ago and Steve has decided (against my judgement) to apply in Houston, CyFair, and Waller ISDs. I would much rather curl up under a rock, eat worms and die a very slow and painful death in hot pink spandex, than move back to Houston, but he has agreed that if he gets a job there that he will live with his parents and communte for the first year (or two). Because I am submissive, I will move back to the horrid, dreadful, evil, fat city when he feels well suited and comfortable in a new school. He has already scouted out houses!!! From our last experience living in Houston, he knows my distaste for the pre-saved Ninevah...uh, I mean Houston but he knows that I will support and follow wherever he is called to go. So please be in prayer for us!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Ninevah...Well, you do seem to have good reflexes to dodge the fish slappers! ;-) (Veggie Tales ref.) I'd be right there with you in the pink spandex, having lived there before. However, my in-laws have A LOT to do with that too (I might add bamboo torture up the toenails to be adequate), and it sounds like YOUR family is there, which is kind of nice!

And Waller, well kid, you'd better go "git you sum overalls"! Just kidding! I know nothing about the place, but it sounds like you need a heavy TX accent to say the name correctly. :o)

Remember, God is leading that man of yours, and He will lead your family in the right direction. Pray, girl, pray hard that you are going (or staying)where He wants you to be and that you'll have peace wherever it is.

And, for my own selfishness...
Just, maybe whisper in his ear at night (while he's sleeping of course...subliminal works that way)to put in some apps locally, will ya?! ;-)

I'll be praying for you too!


Anonymous said...

OH! And, you're right to be very proud of your husband for his adherence to God this year, in spite of a horrendous lead teacher. My last boss in Houston did some horrible things to me (even while pregnant with the tuba player) out of her worry that I'd be placed in her job (not a very diligent worker, so any monkey could be a threat) and out of her hate for me as a Christian.

I'm sure your husband will be leaving that situation knowing that he let Christ shine, in spite of the temptation to reflect some darkness back. It was a precious time in my life when Christ carried me through that situation, and I am honored that he chose me (even though I cried almost every day on the way to and from work) to let his light shine to my boss and the children that I worked with.

So, way to go, Saenz hubby!!! I'm proud of you too!!!


brickmomma said...

Jersey Village isn't SO bad........ you could hang out with CeCe!!

Anonymous said...

CeCe found a great neighborhood & the houses are way cheaper than here. Maybe it wouldnt be so bad. Of course, it is only an hours drive, so a commute wouldnt be too too bad, right!? Still praying. Nicole

Anonymous said...

Oh.... but my friend you could live by ME and live in Waller or Hockley-both precious towns that I love passing through! Cyfair is also nice too. I kind of feel like the Hillbilly family moving into Hollywood but it would be sooo cool to have you close. Think of it as a new adventure!!
You can get a lot of house for your money here!! Tell Steve to use me as a reference. Seriously!!


brickmomma said...

We celebrated 7 years this year, too! No itch here, you?