Wednesday, March 28, 2007


There a comic that has a picture of a dad with a brief case (obviously just coming home from work) and a little boy sitting in a chair in a corner. Above the boy, there is a caption of the boy saying, "Mom is in the kitchen reminding herself that I am a gift from God."

THIS IS ONE OF THOSE DAYS!!!! Today they seem more like a gift you would get from your mother-in-law than from God. It started with Kalea in the morning and is following up with Nathan. He was so mad that he gave himself an asthma attack on the way home from school. As I was praying myself through the afternoon it occured to me that perhaps I just grabbed the wrong children somewhere and that my real children are lost and alone on the street. I thought I'd take the time to describe them to see if any of you have seen them.

Nathan is the sweetest, most helpful big brother that I have ever seen. He is always taking care of his little sister and loving on her as if she were his own. He dislikes church, but he loves God and asks questions about Him on a daily basis. He witnesses to his teachers and friends and his childlike faith is a large part of who he is. Nathan is the greatest monster drawer who ever lived. He draws them in all shapes and sizes at the request of his mommy and teachers. Dispite his dislike for school, Nathan is a great reader and has mastered everything but cutting.

Kalea is my sweet, snuggly one. There is nothing she likes to do more than to sit on your lap and snuggle her head into your shoulder. She is passionate. She is our musical child who loves to sing, but will cry if you sing "Twinkle, Twinkle." Kalea LOVES animals and spends most of her time playing with her Fisher Price Noah's Ark animals. They ride on the bus, train, and play on the amusement park and castle....but not the ark. Kalea could live off of "cheesh" and can smell chocolate a mile away.

These are my sweet children. If you've seen them somewhere, let me know. I accidently took the wrong Kalea to MDO and her perfect reputation was ruined. If you'd like to claim the snarky children who are currently in my house, please let me know, I'll be happy to trade them for my perfect gifts from God.


Anonymous said...

If you find them, let me know because I think I brought the wrong Braden home from school too! But, huge blessings....he is asleep now & tomorrow is a new day!
(BTW- this blog made me really smile & giggle! thanks.)

brickmomma said...

Honesty is so refeshing!!! If all days were perfect, maybe we'd lose our appreciation of these gifts ;)