Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mood Rings and Giant Squids

One of my favorite bands, Relient K, wrote a song about mood rings. The chorus goes a little like this-

"And i've contrived some sort of a plan to help my fellow man
Let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
So we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off
Cause we'll know just what they're thinking, just what they're thinking"

As funny as that is, it occured to me this afternoon how much easier life would be if we all wore giant signs around our necks proclaiming to the world how we were feeling. Just think about how much heartache (or headaches) we would save ourselves from if people had signs that said things like "Does not play well with others" (inspired by my mother-in-law), "GOSSIP" or "Talks for hours about themselves." Our kids would stand in the pick up lines after school with signs that read things like, "Needs 15 minutes to unwind before initiating conversaion," "CAUTION- low blood sugar" or "HUG ME!" How much easier would life be if we didn't have to do the after-school-moody-kid-dance and were just able to provide our babies with exactly what they need?! Marriages would be a breeze if wives wore signs like "needs flowers," "break needed," or "if you love me, you will clean the house and watch the children." I was thinking about what my sign would say. Unsurprising, my sign changed quite frequently throughout the day. I came up with everything from "if you'd just stop crying and do your homework, we'd be done by now" to "NEEDS chocolate/candy corn/Sonic/coffeeeee" to "single mom, needs (MY) hubby," but my sign kept coming back to the same thing, "very tired, very, very discouraged super mom in great need of Starbucks and a chance to just sit in two minutes of childless quiet."

Update- Steve got his car back (PRAISE GOD!!!). Steve told the car people our story and they fixed our car and are allowing us to pay how ever much we can when we can. God was really in that entire situation.
Nathan is really struggling with his faith. He thinks that because God did not answer our prayers on our timing that He does not exist. I am really trying to work with him to help him understand that God's timing is perfect timing.
Kalea has been very grumpy. Her teachers are even starting to notice a change in her demeanor. If I can just get her to sleep a little more at night without fear of monsters, then I think she might feel a little better. Ironically, the monsters only come when Steve is gone.
As for me, I sought out a job in Arlington that as it turns out, was posted on the internet in DECEMBER 2004 and the page was never changed!!!! Boy, is my face red.


brickmomma said...

such an insightful post.

my sign would read "wish i could be the super friend i need to be."

good night.

Anonymous said...

"He thinks that because God did not answer our prayers on our timing that He does not exist. I am really trying to work with him to help him understand that God's timing is perfect timing..."

I'm so glad he has such a great, Godly momma to guide him through this life!!! You're giving him an eternal gift! i'm proud of you!!! stay strong!!!
